Clevinger Family Photo Shoot!!!
Photographers tend to fall into two categories when it comes to Family Photography. They either love it or they hate it. Photographing kids can be a challenging endeavor at the best of times. Telling a kid to sit pretty for an hour while you frame the perfect shot is not likely to work. A family photographer has to learn to work with all the chaos. I wish I had some great tips and tricks for other family photographers out there but in my opinion, there isn't a formula for getting a kid to sit still. My philosophy is that if you can't beat them, join them! Kids have a ton of energy and they are always moving so I just set my camera on the highest shutter speed I can reasonably get away with and I chase after them :) While it means that instead of getting 20 great shots, I might only get 10, this works for me. I like to photograph kids in their natural environment, outside and having fun. This makes for a fun, fast-paced, and much more interesting shoot. When I do get that one great shot, it's so much more rewarding for the patience it took to get it :)
If you would like to see more from the Clevinger Photo Shoot, check them out on my website!
If you would like to see more from the Clevinger Photo Shoot, check them out on my website!
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